
Last century, romantic castle for sale 

The romantic style, former Tisza-castle, located in Kocsorod,  was built between 1908 and 1915. The three-storey-high building is statically stable with solid roof structure. The  castle buildng served as a public hospital until 2006; this explains why its interior had been  converted to fulfill the requirements of public health care.At present, there are 36 to 38 rooms on the two top floors. In the basement, apart from the mechanical rooms, there is a kitchen, a restaurant, and ten  rooms.

The total area size of the main buiding is 1,680 m².This includes the basement (480 m²), the ground floor (803 m²),  and the attic (405 m²).

There are other smaller buildings on the premises: a surgery(146 m²), six separate serviced apartments (90 m²; 72 m²; 101 m²; 60 m²; 41 m², 77 m²), a porter’s lodge (15 m²), 5 storagerooms of different sizes (30 m²; 173 m²; 206 m²; 299 m²; 571 m²),  a cellar (58 m²), a garage (50 m²), and a laundry (approximately 660 m²).

Utilities (+ 3 x 550A industrial current) are on  the grounds; there are also 2 wells (550m and 600m deep each). According to water experts, there is good quality thermal water at a depth of 950-1,000 metres.

The 5,6 ha arboretum around the castle has a variety of rare trees, such as the 1-metre wide American Tulip Tree, the 28 metre-tall  ginko biloba, the solitary red oak, the 120-year-old maple tree, the red elm tree  or the huge, 28–metre tall horse-chestnut trees. The different types of shrubs include japonica,  European barberry, privet,  golden rod or  hazelnut. The park, designed by Melitth György, is a natural reserve.

The castle is not  listed, and  is free of debt. At present, it is the property of a foreign company. Serious, exigent buyers are welcome.

Guide price of the property:1,100,000 euros.

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