Kétpó »»

We offer for sale a beautiful castle with historical and romantic style features The castle was...

Zsámbék közelében »»

Two plots  for sale in Zsámbék Basin, close to Budapest. The first is a 34 ha inland, on which...

Irota - üdülőhely »»

Irota – Holiday Resort Irota, is a picturesque, dead-end village in Borsod county. It is a...

Lad »»

Listed hunting lodge for sale in Lad village, Somogy county Hoyos Castle and the surrounding park,...

Kemenespálfa »»

Mansion in need of renovation with adjacent farm for sale - 2 ha from the total size of the...

Gyömrő »»

Castle on sale in Gyömrő Castle in need of complete restoration for sale in Gyömrő inland...

keresés - search »»

Our offer includes several properties that cannot be advertised publicly according to the contract...

Kartal »»

Small castle for sale near Kartal village The small castle was commissioned by Count  Podmaniczky...

Kocsord »»

Last century, romantic castle for sale  The romantic style, former Tisza-castle, located in...

Répceszentgyörgy »»

Splendid baroque castle for sale The castle, designed by Hefele Menyhért and commissioned by...

Hévízgyörk »»

The 6 ha property is situated east to the Gödöllö hills, in the valley of the Galga stream. This...